Statement on Modern Slavery
Return Fundraising upholds the human rights of colleagues and agency colleagues and treats them with dignity and respect.
We do not use any forced labour. We set working hours, wages and overtime pay in compliance with UK laws. Colleagues are paid at least the Living Wage - more than the National Living Wage.
We only employ colleagues who meet the applicable minimum working age requirement.
Return Fundraising acknowledges its responsibility to comply with all principles of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and will perform due diligence to provide transparency throughout the organisation. Return Fundraising is satisfied from its own due diligence there is no evidence of any act of modern day slavery or human trafficking within its own organisation.
We have a suite of policies and procedures to ensure that we treat all colleagues with dignity and respect regardless of gender, race, religion, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability or any other protected characteristic. Colleagues are employed on their ability to perform in their role and not on the basis of their personal characteristics or beliefs.
In order to ensure the prevention of modern slavery in the supply chain, we review each supplier on a risk basis. We obtain appropriate assurance from all our key suppliers of their compliance to the Modern Slavery Act.
Jonathan Hazzlewood
Return Fundraising
206 Screenworks
London, N5 2ER
020 3920 9363