Contact Us

Pop in for cuppa, or have one remotely, and let's chat about how we can help grow your donor base.

Hand drawn image of a phone, letter and email representing contacting us
Hand drawn image of a phone, letter and email representing contacting us

206 Screenworks
22 Highbury Grove
N5 2ER


020 3920 9363

Get in touch

Fancy a coffee?

We're the only agency based in the capital. If you're in the area, pop in for coffee and let's chat about how we grow your fundraising.

We also share the building with some of our fundraising friends.

Want to work for us?

If you feel inspired by the causes we raise money for and want to join our team of passionate fundraisers, Return Fundraising can help support your fundraising career.

Hand drawn image of a woman holding a cup of coffee
Hand drawn image of a woman holding a cup of coffee